about the author

My name is Sergio. Most people know me as Serg, but with the game of Golf Clash, as I've created new accounts, I've taken on several aliases, including Cuban Shark, Clash, and Gorila, to name a few.
I have been in the commercial facility maintenance business for over 30 years and have run my own business for 14 of them. My company, TFS, staffs 80+ full and part time employees throughout the state of Florida. Though I enjoy what I do & love those I do it with, including our staff & customers, my real passion is to create, motivate & inspire people to love what they do; this is where the idea of Gorilla Farm comes from.
in 2018, I came across an ad for Golf Clash, while online and I was immediately hooked. After playing for a bit, I realized all of the hidden tricks this game had and wanted to share them with my fellow team members. After bouncing around a little from clan to clan, I decided to start my own clan & through my creative energy, came the name, Gorilla Farm: a place where players could learn from one another and rise to the point of becoming GC gorillas.
I don't have any affiliation with Golf Clash, Playdemic, or their owners at EA Sports. This page, along with everything I do for the game of Golf Clash, is on my dime & time. Everything you see on this page is meant to help, encourage, motivate, and inspire new and seasoned GC players to continue to enjoy the game and allow me to create creative content for others to enjoy.
If you have found anything on this site useful, I would love to know! Shoot me a text through Facebook: serg Gfarm, or email me at: serg@gorillafarm.net.
thanks for visitng our Gorilla Farm page & I hope to see you out in the digital green soon!